List of Judges of the Maryland Court of Appeals
The following are chronological lists of judges and chief judges of the Maryland Court of Appeals.
List of Chief Judges
List of all Judges
- Benjamin Rumsey, 1778-1806
- Benjamin Mackall IV 1778-1806
- Thomas Jones, 1778-1806
- Solomon Wright, 1778-1792
- James Murray, 1778-1784
- Richard Potts, 1801-1806
- Littleton Dennis, 1801-1806
- Jeremiah Townly Chase, 1806-1824
- James Tilghman, 1806-1809
- William Polk, 1806-1812
- Richard Sprigg, 1806
- Joseph Hopper Nicholson, 1806-1817
- John Mackall Gantt, 1806-1811
- John Buchanan, 1806-1844
- Richard Tilghman Earle, 1809-1834
- John Johnson, 1811-1821
- John Done, 1812-1814
- William Bond Martin, 1814-1835
- Walter Dorsey, 1817-1823
- John Stephen, 1822-1844
- Stevenson Archer, 1823-1848
- Thomas Beale Dorsey, 1824-1851
- Ezekiel Forman Chambers, 1834-1851
- Ara Spence, 1835-1851
- William B. Stone, 1844-1845
- Samuel Middleton Semmes, 1844-1845
- Alexander Contee Magruder, 1844-1851
- Robert N. Martin, 1845-1851
- William Frick, 1848-1851
- John Carroll LeGrand, 1851-1861
- John Bowers Eccleston, 1851-1860
- William Hallam Tuck, 1851-1861
- John Thomson Mason, 1851-1857
- James Lawrence Bartol, 1857-1883
- Brice Goldsborough, 1860-1867
- Silas Morris Cochran, 1861-1866
- Richard Johns Bowie, 1861-1867; 1871-1881
- Daniel Weisel, 1864-1867
- Peter Wood Crain, 1867
- James Augustus Stewart, 1867-1879
- Richard Henry Alvey, 1867-1893
- Richard Grason, 1867-1882
- John Mitchell Robinson, 1867-1896
- Oliver Miller, 1867-1892
- Madison Nelson, 1867-1870
- George Brent, 1867-1881
- William Pinkney Maulsby, 1870-1871
- Richard Johns Bowie, 1871-1881
- Levin Thomas Handy Irving, 1879-1892
- John Ritchie, 1881-1887
- Daniel Randall Magruder, 1881
- Frederick Stone, 1881-1890
- George Yellott, 1882-1889
- William Shepard Bryan, 1883-1898
- James McSherry, 1887-1907
- David Fowler, 1889-1905
- John Parran Briscoe, 1890-1923
- Henry Page, 1892-1908
- Charles Boyle Roberts, 1892-1899
- Andrew Hunter Boyd, 1893-1924
- George Mitchell Russum, 1896-1897
- James Alfred Pearce, 1897-1912
- Samuel D. Schmucker, 1898-1911
- James A. C. Bond, 1899
- Isaac Thomas Jones, 1899-1907
- Nicholas Charles Burke, 1905-1920
- John G. Rogers, 1907
- Winder Laird Henry, 1908-1909
- William H. Thomas, 1907-1924
- Glenn H. Worthington, 1908-1909
- John R. Pattison, 1909-1934
- Hammond Urner, 1909-1938
- Henry Stockbridge, Jr. 1911-1924
- Albert Constable, 1912-1919
- William H. Adkins, 1919-1934
- T. Scott Offutt, 1920-1942
- W. Mitchell Digges, 1923-1934
- Carroll T. Bond, 1924-1943
- Francis Neal Parke, 1924-1941
- William C. Walsh, 1924-1926
- D. Lindley Sloan, 1926-1944
- Benjamin A. Johnson, 1934-1943
- William Mason Shehan, 1934-1940
- Walter J. Mitchell, 1934-1941
- Edward S. Delaplaine, 1938-1956
- Stephen R. Collins, 1940-1957
- William H. Forsythe, 1941-1942
- Ogle Marbury, 1941-1952
- Ridgely P. Melvin, 1942-1945
- C. Gus Grason, 1942-1951
- Levin C. Bailey, 1943-1944
- Rowland K. Adams, 1943-1944
- Walter C. Capper, 1944
- William L. Henderson, 1944-1964
- Charles Markell, 1945-1952
- Hall Hammond, 1952-1972
- Simon E. Sobeloff, 1952-1954
- Frederick W. Brune, 1954-1964
- Stedman Prescott, 1956-1966
- William R. Horney, 1957-1968
- Charles C. Marbury, 1960-1969
- C. Ferdinand Sybert, 1961-1965
- Reuben Oppenheimer, 1964-1967
- Wilson K. Barnes, 1964-1974
- William J. McWilliams, 1965-1974
- Thomas B. Finan, 1966-1972
- Frederick J. Singley Jr. 1967-1977
- Marvin H. Smith, 1968-1986
- J. Dudley Digges, 1969-1982
- Robert C. Murphy, 2nd Appellate Circuit, 1972-1996
- Irving A. Levine, 1972-1978
- John C. Eldridge, 5th Appellate Circuit, 1974-2003
- William J. O'Donnell, 1974-1976
- Charles E. Orth Jr., 1976-1980
- Harry A. Cole, 1977-1991
- Rita C. Davidson, 1979-1984
- Lawrence F. Rodowsky, 3rd Appellate Circuit, 1980-2002
- James F. Couch Jr., 1982-1987
- John F. McAuliffe, 1985-1993
- William H. Adkins II, 1986-1990
- Albert T. Blackwell Jr., 1987-1990
- Howard S. Chasanow, 4th Appellate Circuit, 1990-2002
- Robert L. Karwacki, 1st Appellate Circuit, 1990-1998
- Robert M. Bell, 6th Appellate Circuit, 1991-
- Irma S. Raker, 7th Appellate Circuit, 1993-
- Alan M. Wilner, 2nd Appellate Circuit, 1996-2007
- Dale R. Cathell, 1st Appellate Circuit, 1998-2008
- Glenn T. Harrell, Jr., 4th Appellate Circuit, 1999-
- Lynne A. Battaglia, 3rd Appellate Circuit, 2002-
- Clayton Greene, Jr., 5th Appellate Circuit, 2004-
- Joseph F. Murphy, Jr., 2nd Appellate Circuit, 2007-2011
- Sally D. Adkins, 1st Appellate Circuit, 2008-
- Mary Ellen Barbera, 7th Appellate Circuit, 2008-
- Robert N. “Bob” McDonald, 2nd Appellate Circuit, 2011-
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Maryland Commission on Human Relations